Moving office tips

Moving office soon and clueless what to do but don’t want to sound it when calling round for quotes, don’t worry you’re just one in a long line of down the chain of command personal assistances, secretaries, receptionists, office dogsbody who have been told by the boss to sort it out at short notice, guess what, you haven’t been given any instructions whatsoever and you might not even be working in that office and that makes details harder to come by.

Not knowing whats being moved

Not knowing stuff is more common than you think and there are a few steps to take to sound like you know whats going on, no one likes to sound like they don’t know whats going on do they, especially when you have the important task of arranging stuff for the big boss. Firstly getting both office addresses helps, surprising, yes it does happen. People seem unsure of addresses saying its Eh1, round the corner or somewhere in the city centre, this is not sufficient enough information and lastly the best is “I don’t work in the office so don’t know”.

Compile a list

Secondly having some kind of rough list
of whats being moved is pretty helpful, saying its just office equipment doesn’t count, the usual, it’s a small office move, not much stuff, small vans worth, maybe an hour two hours work, I don’t know, which is always the strangest reply to a question. Always have a quick look around the office talking a pen and paper and writing down whats being moved and rough idea of any random stuff to be moved or dismantled. If you’re not in the office you’ve been told to arrange the removal, contact the office that’s being moved and ask them to compile a list and email it to you.

Take images

The other way is to take digital images of whats to be moved and email those to the office mover so they can look and then decide if its worth going round to do an estimate to make sure everything is in order and get things right on the removal day, thus making sure anything important hasn’t been missed out that might need dismantled or specialist moving equipment.

Safes, Large Printers

If you have those free standing printers, office safes etc not all movers can move them due to weight, these items will need a special stair climbing trolly to move safely depending on the weight involved. Some offices fail to mention little things like we have a 250kg safe or 180kg free standing printer thats on 3rd floor and when moving it needs to stay upright and think its just one of those things when the office mover turns up saying this wasn’t listed.

Follow these 4 Easy steps
1. Date of move
2. Both Addresses,
3. Inventory list,
4. Any special instructions

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