April brings sunshine and showers and our fantastic offer for you !

Whats the offer i hear you ask ? well im going to let you into a secret , you know all those lutons that go around town and you think you can get a 2+ bed roomed flat in them just because its a removal company, you cant !

Its purely psychological on customers part to think one luton van size fits all attitude, why is this – absolutely  everyone seem to think this !!  even thinking TINY transit vans will do the job, this is just not the case.

Luton vans size  hold 75 cubic feet maximum if your pouring water into it – its like the guy who always tells me he moved 100ft in his luton , its impossible, but he seems to think it is (you know who you are ) his ones is 65ft, if that. Or the guy on gumtree that says big man with big van . What he doesn’t want tell you is his luton van size  is 2.5 meters long , 2 meters high, 2 meters wide making his van 10 cubic meters which is tiny for a removal van ! This is about same as a large transit jumbo van. The pictures might make it look big and his prices sound to good to be true, dirt cheap style but when he does 3 runs when you expected one run  maybe it wont have seemed so cheap after all .

Whats my april offer – well ive just let you into a secret – A luton van size cant move large flats or houses in one go so next time you have to move and to be out at 12 Noon and its a key change over make sure the chaps you call can handle the luton van size  move thats in your mind.

Does anyone honestly think when you call removals companies up they will say i cant handle the job ? next time your sitting with one van loaded and another 2 loads of volume sitting in the house with the new buyer sitting outside fuming away  after the money has exchanged and is not patiently waiting just think back to this article !




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