How does waste disposal in Edinburgh work?

So you’ve got a pile of rubbish or loads of old unwanted furniture or household goods, garden shed, garage to clear or better still garden refuse and need to get rid of it. Its of no value to you and really the sooner its out your life the better.


Waste disposal good news/bad news

Well, theres good news and bad new, good news we at van man removals can help remove rubbish from your Edinburgh home, the bad news, it all needs paying for, yes, even if its worthless to you and you expect it to be disposed of for free (why?) Someone needs to pay for it and its the customer who needs to pay for disposal unfortunately.


Rubbish removals Edinburgh

The trouble with rubbish removals in Edinburgh is the phycological effect is has in customers minds of being worthless so this means they shouldn’t pay for it to be disposed of, we come across this on a daily basis when customers do the hard sell to us, usually thinking we have secret powers to turn old stuff into new with our harry potter wand then selling it on for huge profits. this is not the case and we are middle men for the private refuse tip that also asks us for money for disposal, what you pay us is also payment for the tip never mind our labour loading and unloading the household rubbish.


Minimal charges at the tip

This is how it all works – the waste tip in Edinburgh charges a minimal charge for disposal so whoever picks up your household rubbish will unlikely go straight to the tip and will keep it till the weight gets to the minimum weight required to make it worth the trip to the refuse tip and hopefully just a little bit profit.


House clearances in Edinburgh 

so when the times comes to do a house clearance in Edinburgh its best being as accurate as possible with whats being moved, if you think you have a few bags of clothes and this its all light stuff would you know how much it weights together, yes not so light now is it much like 1kg is light but if you have 200 of those 1kg weights its now 200kg and needs paying for.


  • List items to be disposed.
  • Make sure its right
  • Any extra will be chargeable.
  • Because its lightweight doesn’t make it free or invisible.
  • You may think its worth something but it’s not.
  • Nothing is free in this life.


Book your online disposal quote now Click here 


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